Below you will find useful links related to support for APD, and other conditions and disabilities. APD never normally exists in isolation, so those with other conditions might also have APD. Testing is always recommended if APD is suspected.

British Society of Audiology APD references
Choosing a Hospital - NHS Patient Choice
Is It Legal? - A Parent's Guide to the Law
Quick Guide for parents: Understanding Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) in children This handout forms part of the APD MESHGuide. See It can be copied and used for non-commercial purposes, provided the authors are acknowledged.
These websites are "APD-aware" and provide general disability support and/or information, although not specifically for those with APD. But APD never exists alone and can coexist with any number and variety of other conditions, disabilities, or difficulties.
The Brain Charity: A charity that supports those affected by all types of neurological conditions.
SupportLine: Confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults by telephone, email and post.
Communication Matters: Supporting those who struggle to communicate.
Contact: A charity that supports families of disabled children.
Special Needs Jungle: Providing parent-led information, resources and informed opinion about children and young people 0-25.
Anridia Network is a charity that supports people with rare genetic condition Aniridia in UK and Ireland. The PAX6 gene that often causes Aniridia has also been linked to APD, causing APD in an estimated 50% of cases.
Hidden Disabilities: Providers of Sunflower lanyards and cards for a variety of invisible disabilities including APD (click here to buy)
ATLA (Association of Teachers of Lipreading to Adults) - UK providers of "Lipreading and Managing Hearing Loss" classes.
Visual Processing Disorder is diagnosed by a Behavioural Optometrist. In some areas this service is provided on the NHS or via schools, but in others it is only available privately. You can locate a local provider here.
ADDitude - support for ADD/ADHD
Developmental Co-ordination Disorder/DCD (formerly Dyspraxia)
"Welcome to Holland" by Emily Perl Kingsley - an article for parents of a child with a disability or SEN.This is also relevant to to those whose child is gifted, which is also an additional need.
This image shows examples of how executive functioning problems can affect organisation and planning skills in daily life

Please contact us to suggest
more useful UK-based links or if you wish to add an "APD-friendly" charity or organisation.

Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice
UK Local Authorities/LAs: A list of contacts for the LAs in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
English LAs: A list of contacts for the LAs in England.
Welsh LAs: A list of contacts for the LAs in Wales
IPSEA - Independent Parental Special Needs Advice
SOSSEN - Supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities
CORAM - Children's Legal Centre
ICO - Information Commissioner's Office: accessing your child's school records
How to complain to the NHS The information on this page will guide you through the NHS complaints arrangements, as well as the core requirements for NHS complaints handling laid out in legislation.
BBC Learning- free resources
Sense-Lang - A free, online, touch-typing program suitable for children

APD can meets the criteria of a disability in the UK in many people, depending on severity and coexisting conditions.
DWP - Disability benefits: Benefits and financial support if you're disabled or have a health condition.
Citizen's Advice: Disability advice.
Citizen's Advice: Benefits support.
Special Needs Jungle ALN/SEN reform: New guidance for Wales on the new "rights-based" learning system.