The official APD Support UK pin badge is available to buy direct from the designer of our logo, helping to raise APD awareness. It comes with a card giving a brief description of APD and reduced postage is available for multiple purchases.
Please click the button opposite to buy one.
For queries: please email contact@nishoutran.co.uk
Tel: 077230 92037
There is also an option to track your order.
Hidden Disabilities now sells a Sunflower card for APD. It alerts people that the wearer needs additional support, help or a little more time.
They are recognised across a wide range of retailers, financial services, transport including over 130 airports, travel and tourism as well as over 450 universities, schools and colleges, all of the UK railway network, theme parks, supermarkets, leisure facilities, healthcare, financial services, emergency services, theatres and over 350 charities.
The cards are available for a range of invisible disabilities and conditions and can be personalised with your details.
Please click the button opposite to buy one.

Both the badges and alert cards are produced, sold, and supplied independently from APD Support UK. APD Support UK is a voluntary association that holds no funds, has no financial interest in their sale, and makes no income from them. They are promoted by APD Support UK with the sole aim of raising APD awareness and all queries should be directed to the sellers.