Not on the list?
As far as we are aware, only the testing centres on the "APD testing centres" document provide full testing If you are a professional who runs an APD testing service that is not included on our list (and does not just provide screening) and you feel that it should be added, or you are a parent/patient who has been referred to a centre not on that list, either for yourself or your child, please email apd.support.uk@aol.co.uk
Please read before choosing a testing centre:
In the UK, only a consultant in audiovestibular medicine or an audiologist with specialism in APD is qualified to diagnose it.
Children and adults will usually need to have had a hearing test within the 3 months before referral and a copy of the report must be sent with the referral, along with any other relevant reports and evidence of suspicion of APD. But please read the individual testing centre criteria for this and other details as can vary between centres.
Different centres will require different reports and who can refer can be be different, as well as the method of referral.
An NHS referral won't be accepted if there is hearing loss, glue ear, or grommets in place. But you might be able to be tested privately if the hearing loss is not severe.
When seeking a referral, please take the "APD testing centres" document with you, plus the document "APD referral process for medical professionals" to advise them on where/how to refer. These can be found below.
There is also a document below advising education professionals of the correct APD referral pathway, so that they can advise parents on how to get a diagnosis if APD is suspected.
N.B. The "APD testing centres" document also includes details of all recommended private centres that provide full APD testing.
Criteria for the testing centres are noted in the "APD testing centres" document. Any additional information provided by the testing centres is available in separate documents further down this page.
Centres can vary in the criteria they require. If you/your child don't meet the criteria for the particular centre you choose, your referral will be refused, causing delays when seeking testing. But you might meet the criteria of another centre, so please read all the documents carefully.
The centres on our list are only included based on the information that they have provided. Where you go is your choice.
APD Support UK bears no responsibility for your choice of testing centre or any refusal to accept a referral. Any complaints should be made to the chosen testing centre if you are unhappy with their service.
Please click the boxes below to read and download the documents.
They are all in .pdf format.
Screening is designed to indicate whether full testing is needed. Screening alone can't give an accurate APD diagnosis.
Screening alone is unreliable, especially when used by those who are not qualified or experienced enough to interpret the results properly. Children and adults with even severe APD have been missed by screening alone and later diagnosed using full testing.
The fact that there is no "gold star" testing battery is often used as an excuse to just use screening or do nothing, But a full battery of APD tests is available in the UK and has been used effectively to diagnose APD since 2004.
Despite this, many hospitals, and NHS testing centres still just provide screening. This applies to private testing centres too, claiming to "diagnose" at a reduced rate when it is just screening. Some NHS centres
will screen then refuse to refer on, even when they admit they can't diagnose.
Screening alone can't give an accurate APD diagnosis. Testing is needed at one of the recommended centres with trained and experienced medical professionals to assess if/which further tests are needed.
Always insist on a referral to one of the full NHS testing centres on our list, or book an appointment at one of the recommended private testing providers (whether it's for a child or an adult).

Please read "APD testing centres" (above) for the full list and details of NHS testing for children and adults. Not all information is provided below, these are just in addition to the main list.
Children only, referrals accepted from England and Wales:
For children, but only those living in that area:
For children and adults, but only those living in Wales.

Other private testing centres are also available that have not provided additional documents here. Please read "APD testing centres" (above) for the full list and details.
For children and adults, located in Hitchin and Radlett.
For children and adults, located in London and Birmingham
For children and adults, but only those; living in Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Dorset, Wiltshire, and West Sussex.
N.B. The Southampton University testing centre is currently unable to accept new patients. Updates will be posted here when available.
There is no full NHS testing for APD available in Scotland. However, we have been made aware of two options for screening (but just for children living in their respective areas). If screening rules out APD, the child might still have it, but if it confirms it, they will have it.
Full testing is preferable for this reason and for accuracy. But in the absence of this, screening might help to at least get some sort of school support, although, APD is still not generally recognised in Scotland. The only other option currently available to parents/adults in Scotland is private testing in England (see APD testing centres above).
We know of no APD testing or screening available in Northern ireland.
If you know of any other NHS or private testing available in Scotland or Northern Ireland, please let us know via email: apd.support.uk@aol.co.uk

Please click the box below for details of current NHS screening options in Scotland.
Beacon Audiology in Dublin provides a private, full APD testing service for both children and adults. As it is outside the UK, it is listed separately from our recommended list of NHS and private testing centres in the UK. Please click the box below to read the criteria provided and contact them direct. It is open to anyone who can travel there.